Buried Seeds, a film by Andrei Severny, is a timeless story of human passion, willpower, and resolve in the face of adversity. The film follows Michelin Star Chef Vikas Khanna's on his journey as an immigrant. Born with clubbed feet in Amritsar, Vikas is bullied by his classmates. Khanna takes refuge in his grandmothers kitchen and discovers his passion for the vivid traditions of Indian cuisine. At the age of 29, Vikas moves to New York with nothing in his pocket and ends up in a homeless shelter. Through years of struggle and hard work Vikas opens his first Indian restaurant in Manhattan. Over time Vikas Khanna grows to become one of the most influential chefs in the world and a cultural ambassador of his nation. While wealth and glory may be transient, what truly defines him is the will to create himself every single day.
The key to the communal laundry room in the block of flats on the Rue de Genève 85 in Lausanne serve...
What does a retired police officer, a dog trainer, the founder of a political party and anti-governm...
The story of the transformation of traditional cooking into nouvelle cuisine through 100 years of hi...
Keith Allen meets his long-term hero, Keith Floyd, who transformed the presentation of gastronomy on...
Danish culinary entrepreneur and Noma co-founder Claus Meyer has kickstarted a gastronomic revolutio...
Korean celebrity chef Jiho Im mourns the death of a beloved maternal figure in the only way he knows...
After moving to Oregon and falling in love with the ability to explore the outdoors with ease with h...
In 1954, a German-Austrian expedition led by Mathias Rebitsch set off for the difficult-to-access Ka...
Like many businesses, the restaurant industry has been hard hit by COVID-19. This timely film, direc...
Documentary about the two big resources in the North Atlantic, fish and oil, and the impact of their...
This video has won festival prizes in Chicago and Rotterdam and has been declared Norway’s finest vi...
This documentary about Rene Redzepi's Copenhagen restaurant follows the proceedings in the kitchen f...
The last collaboration of Artavazd Peleshian and cinematographer Mikhail Vartanov is a film-essay ab...
Every day, people would queue for over two hours for a bowl of ramen. What’s the celebrated chef’s s...
The collar awarded to the winners of the Meilleur Ouvrier de France (Best Craftsman in France) is mo...
Soul explores the secrets of gastronomy where two cuisines apparently so opposite in their philosoph...
Food in the 21st century has become much more than “meat and potatoes” and canned soup casseroles.” ...
A young and ambitious team of chefs face the life-changing challenges of competing in the world's mo...