This pioneering documentary film depicts the lives of the indigenous Inuit people of Canada's northe...
In the heart of the Boreal forest lives a family renowned as much for their gourmet forest pickings ...
Through family archives, drawings, animations and performances that draw on her long experience with...
Through concerts and interviews, folk-progressive group Harmonium takes Quebec culture to California...
Keith Allen meets his long-term hero, Keith Floyd, who transformed the presentation of gastronomy on...
First look inside the walls of Quebec police’s training grounds and the realities of our next genera...
This feature-length documentary by Alanis Obomsawin examines the plight of Native people who come to...
A documentary that explores what it means to be a young person in Quebec after the dissolution of th...
Directed by Ariane Louis-Seize, this tribute film was created as a gift for Lorraine Pintal, directo...
Danish culinary entrepreneur and Noma co-founder Claus Meyer has kickstarted a gastronomic revolutio...
A cinematic and introspective look at the residents of a Quebec town—once the site of the world's la...
This short film retraces the life of Herman Smith Johannsen – the man who introduced the sport of cr...
The TNO (Unorganized Territory) Lac-Boisbouscache is a 150 square kilometer public forest located in...
A short documentary on the charms of cross-country skiing. Beyond the formal beauty of the images, t...
This short documentary visits the 3 Quebec border towns of Rock Island, Stanstead and Beebe, and the...
Focused on an inspiring and touching dialogue between Gilles Vigneault and Fred Pellerin, the docume...