The Krofft Superstar Hour is a Saturday morning children's variety show, produced by Sid and Marty Krofft. After eight episodes, the show was renamed The Bay City Rollers Show. It aired for one season from September 9, 1978 to November 28, 1979 on NBC.
The Tracey Ullman Show is an American television variety show, hosted by British-born comedian and o...
With the help of his friend “The Man in the Yellow Hat,” a curious little monkey named George sets o...
Round the Twist is a Logie Award-winning Australian children's television series about three childre...
The Kids of Degrassi Street is a Canadian children's TV show that aired from 1979 to 1986, and is th...
The Colgate Comedy Hour is an American comedy-musical variety series that aired live on the NBC netw...
Cher and Sonny Bono starred in this quintessentially '70's TV comedy/variety show. Sonny and Cher's ...
Downtown no Gottsu Ee Kanji (ダウンタウンのごっつええ感じ, roughly "Downtown's Feeling Real Good"), was a Japanese...
Véronique Cloutier looks back at her week in a live variety show full of surprises, laughs and send-...
A variety show featuring sketch and stand-up comedy as well as guest appearances, dance numbers and ...
The Jerry Lewis Show is an American variety series hosted by Jerry Lewis that aired on ABC from Sept...
The Amanda Show is an American live action sketch comedy and variety show that aired on Nickelodeon ...
Eureeka's Castle is an American children's television series that aired on Nickelodeon from Septembe...
Tots TV is a British children's television programme, produced by Ragdoll Productions and Central. ...
Texaco Star Theater is an American comedy-variety show, broadcast on radio from 1938 to 1949 and tel...
Being Ian is a Canadian animated series produced by Studio B Productions, Corus Entertainment and Ne...
¡Mucha Lucha! is an American-Canadian animated television series created by Eddie Mort and Lili Chin...
The George Gobel Show is an American television series hosted George Gobel that aired on NBC from 19...
Shuriken School is a British animated series that first aired on August 20, 2006 on Nickelodeon and ...