The Amanda Show is an American live action sketch comedy and variety show that aired on Nickelodeon from October 16, 1999 to September 21, 2002. It starred Amanda Bynes, Drake Bell, and Nancy Sullivan, along with several performing artists who came and left at different points, such as John Kassir, Raquel Lee, and Josh Peck. The show was a spin-off from All That, in which Bynes had co-starred for several years. The show was unexpectedly cancelled at the end of 2002, according to creator Dan Schneider's blog. Writers for the show included John Hoberg, Steven Molaro, Andrew Hill Newman, and Dan Schneider. Two years after the end of The Amanda Show, Dan Schneider created a new series, called Drake & Josh, featuring Drake Bell, Josh Peck and Nancy Sullivan.
A Norwegian sketch show with comedians Anders Bye and Jon Niklas Rønning.
A topical comedy show, mixing stand-up with sketches and impressions, starring David Baddiel, Robert...
Blue Collar TV is a television program that aired on The WB Television Network with lead actors Jeff...
A late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show created by Lorne Michaels. The show's co...
The Tracey Ullman Show is an American television variety show, hosted by British-born comedian and o...
Bo' Selecta! is a British sketch show written and performed by Leigh Francis, which lampoons popular...
A sketch comedy series starring and hosted by Bob Odenkirk and David Cross. The pair introduce most ...
With the help of his friend “The Man in the Yellow Hat,” a curious little monkey named George sets o...
Alana, a girl from the year 3000, is kidnapped by Silverthorn, a criminal from the year 2500, and br...
Round the Twist is a Logie Award-winning Australian children's television series about three childre...
A series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The ...
Dave Chappelle's singular point of view is unleashed through a combination of laidback stand-up and ...
Little Miss Jocelyn is a British TV sketch comedy written by and starring Jocelyn Jee Esien. The sho...
Vic Reeves Big Night Out is a British cult comedy stage show and later TV series which ran on Channe...
The Carol Burnett Show is an American variety/sketch comedy television show starring Carol Burnett, ...
The Colgate Comedy Hour is an American comedy-musical variety series that aired live on the NBC netw...