The Rich Little Show is an American sketch variety show hosted by Rich Little that aired on NBC in 1975-1976.
A Norwegian sketch show with comedians Anders Bye and Jon Niklas Rønning.
Sketch comedy show starring Kenny Everett.
A variety show set against the background of the Blue Angel night club in New York City.
French and Saunders is a British sketch comedy television series written by and starring comic duo D...
A British comedy sketch television series featuring Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones that ran on BBC O...
Each week, in front of a fired-up audience, personalities from all areas come on Ti-Mé’s show for an...
The Carol Burnett Show is an American variety/sketch comedy television show starring Carol Burnett, ...
The Colgate Comedy Hour is an American comedy-musical variety series that aired live on the NBC netw...
A series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The ...
Dave Chappelle's singular point of view is unleashed through a combination of laidback stand-up and ...
Little Miss Jocelyn is a British TV sketch comedy written by and starring Jocelyn Jee Esien. The sho...
Vic Reeves Big Night Out is a British cult comedy stage show and later TV series which ran on Channe...
10 artists from GMMTV, must live together under the same roof. They have to carry out exciting missi...
Cher and Sonny Bono starred in this quintessentially '70's TV comedy/variety show. Sonny and Cher's ...
Harry Enfield, Kathy Burke, Paul Whitehouse and others take on an array of oddball characters and ol...
A sketch comedy show featuring some of Britain's great comedic talents of the 1980s and 1990s in one...
A British sketch comedy series with the shows being composed of surreality, risqué or innuendo-laden...