Tots TV is a British children's television programme, produced by Ragdoll Productions and Central. The programme featured three ragdoll friends: Tilly, a French girl, with red hair, who speaks in basic French, Tom, a blue haired boy with glasses, and Tiny, the youngest Tot, who is smaller than the others and has green hair. Tots TV was written by two of its puppeters - Robin Stevens and Andrew Davenport with Tilly played by three actresses - initially Veronique Deroulede, then Claire Carre and Alexandra Hogg. The series won two BAFTA awards for its producer Anne Wood and director Vic Finch. Originally broadcast in the UK on the ITV network, CBeebies, the BBC's television channel for young children,pick up the series from 2004. The Series was also broadcast in the United States on the PBS network from 1996 with 'Tilly speaking Spanish, instead of French. In 2000 Discovery Kids broadcast the series throughout Central and South America, the Caribbean and the Falkland Islands.
Following their marriage, Ian and Lisa move back to the village where she grew up, a village still d...
With the help of his friend “The Man in the Yellow Hat,” a curious little monkey named George sets o...
Alana, a girl from the year 3000, is kidnapped by Silverthorn, a criminal from the year 2500, and br...
Round the Twist is a Logie Award-winning Australian children's television series about three childre...
Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince is a live-action Hanna-Barbera and Mulberry Square children's science ...
The show was hosted by Jake, a jovial polar bear, and Stinky, his skunk friend. Other main character...
The Amanda Show is an American live action sketch comedy and variety show that aired on Nickelodeon ...
Eureeka's Castle is an American children's television series that aired on Nickelodeon from Septembe...
The series provides children with valuable tools for growth in key areas of music, social skill deve...
Being Ian is a Canadian animated series produced by Studio B Productions, Corus Entertainment and Ne...
¡Mucha Lucha! is an American-Canadian animated television series created by Eddie Mort and Lili Chin...
Shuriken School is a British animated series that first aired on August 20, 2006 on Nickelodeon and ...
A young girl named Dora goes on adventures with her red boot-wearing monkey named Boots.
Thanks to his police officer father's efforts, Shawn Spencer spent his childhood developing a keen e...
Out Of This World is an American fantasy sitcom about a teenage girl who is half alien, which gives ...
Greg the Bunny is an American television sitcom that originally aired on Fox TV in 2002. It starred ...