Three people become connected through mysterious circumstances involving electronic devices which sp...
In Untitled (Pink Dot), Murata transforms footage from the Sylvester Stallone film First Blood (1982...
This film was made out of the capture of a live animation performance presented in Rome in January 2...
How the mysteries surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s life and death gave rise to a conspiracy theory that...
A compilation of avant-garde artwork and talent of the mid to late 20th century hosted by Ryuichi Sa...
Commissioned for the Irish representation at the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013, The Enclave is an imm...
A whirlwind of improvisation combines the images of animator Pierre Hébert with the avant-garde soun...
Made for Milton Keynes Gallery's 10th anniversary using images from its archive and language from it...
From Rickrolling to viral conspiracy theories, explore how an anonymous website evolved into a hub f...
A psychedelic essay on Goya's paintings, image and sound. The stippled ceiling acts as noise in the ...
A Dad's excessive use of Facebook/Memes is put into question by his family.
An exploration of the origins of memes, how they spread, and the stories behind some of the most pop...
Presented without commentary, this film reveals the thinking behind the work of John Baldessari over...
In this program video artist Gary Hill uses a number of his pieces to investigate otherness and ambi...
Fellow violinist and artist Tony Conrad, in collaboration with software engineer Tom Demeyer, made f...
The quixotic journey of Nam June Paik, one of the most famous Asian artists of the 20th century, who...
A meditation on isolation through paint textures, video collage and sound