A whirlwind of improvisation combines the images of animator Pierre Hébert with the avant-garde soun...
Presented without commentary, this film reveals the thinking behind the work of John Baldessari over...
In a city inhabited by drawn beings, an indigenous boy witnesses a holographic appearance. It is the...
a movie about Donald Trump, Martian technopolitical fictions, Facebook/Youtube algorithmic rabbit ho...
An exploration of the origins of memes, how they spread, and the stories behind some of the most pop...
Ghyslain Raza, better known as the “Star Wars Kid,” breaks his silence to reflect on our hunger for ...
For this work Alÿs purchased a gun in Mexico City then walked through the city streets with the weap...
The innovative and influential British filmmaker Derek Jarman was invited to direct the Pet Shop Boy...
Experimental video art shot in the Wallingford neighborhood of Seattle
The Karikpo masquerade - a traditional dance of the Ogoni tribe - is transposed onto the remnants of...
Ken Bone became an overnight sensation after participating in a Clinton-Trump town hall in 2016, but...
A ritual of grids, reflections and chasms; a complete state of entropy; a space that devours itself;...
In the nearby future, the Gulf stream may certainly collapse in itself as the percentage of saltwate...
An omnium-gatherum of film, poem, and song excerpts contextually juxtaposed in an attempt to explore...
Furio’s Furious Fragments & Friends - Furio Jesi (1941 Turin -1980 Genoa), enfant prodige moving bet...
Imagine this: you go dancing at a parade, there you will be filmed and suddenly this movie appears o...
After concluding the now-legendary public access TV series, The Pain Factory, Michael Nine embarked ...
Pegasus viz. incorruptibility undergoes a stress test to prove its name. Will his code of chivalry s...
Bits and blocks are the home of the Super Vario Birds who are dancing to the 8bit symphony of Ludwig...