The innovative and influential British filmmaker Derek Jarman was invited to direct the Pet Shop Boys' 1989 tour. This film is a series of iconoclastic images he created for the background projections. Stunning, specially shot sequences (featuring actors, the Pet Shop Boys, and friends of Jarman) contrast with documentary montages of nature, all skillfully edited to music tracks.
The experimental animated film Song of the Flies (El Canto de las Moscas), translates the desolation...
A whirlwind of improvisation combines the images of animator Pierre Hébert with the avant-garde soun...
Presented without commentary, this film reveals the thinking behind the work of John Baldessari over...
Experimental video art set to the track "Place I Know/Kid Like You" by Arthur Russell.
An exploration of the individual components that make up a jazz improvisation, told in 13 parts.
A synthesis of sound and movement; colourful characters dance and move in repetitive patterns to per...
The six-decade transformation of a block of houses, shown by means of artfully featured archival sho...
An abstract, experimental film of a character observing a rainy night.
In a city inhabited by drawn beings, an indigenous boy witnesses a holographic appearance. It is the...
Jonathan, the doc's director, standing in front of a mirror recalls an event from his childhood, ref...
Based upon a habitual fidget of the filmmaker involving the tags in his clothing, Reilly Mitchell ex...
In Le Livre d’Image, Jean-Luc Godard recycles existing images (films, documentaries, paintings, tele...
The video debut of experimental musicians and culture jamming artists Emergency Broadcast Network.
The long dead ghosts of celluloid are coming back to haunt the digital space.
Upon his arrival in Paris, filmmaker Tomas Cali immerses himself in learning French, as well as the ...
A creature is born from the cosmos. In his journey through the void he searches for what it means to...
The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experie...