Pegasus viz. incorruptibility undergoes a stress test to prove its name. Will his code of chivalry stand the attempts at corruption? Here we have four situations in which he gets proved. Criminal solicitations interfere digitally in the shape of data moshing. He takes a rough ride onto the mosh pit of the blockchain. Cybercryptocy video art meets classical Greek mythology.
A meditation on isolation through paint textures, video collage and sound
In the nearby future, the Gulf stream may certainly collapse in itself as the percentage of saltwate...
A nomadic homunculus ranger lives in the derelict wastelands of Neo Kansas City 2, where they barely...
In a city inhabited by drawn beings, an indigenous boy witnesses a holographic appearance. It is the...
If a machine would possess a soul it might be a beach. Every single sand corn symbolizes a data-set ...
Queen of the Luna Par(k)ing is a moving image produced by Sara Ferro and Chris Weil. The title itsel...
Ian Haig’s The Foaming Node essays the discovery and emergence of new bodily organs in meticulous an...
The confusion, fatigue, and exhaustion of a twenty-year-old girl were evident when she recently move...
A 19-minute short film featuring the six performances of the Japanese performance art group Grinder-...
A fiction science monologue about artificial fertilization and its consequences, delivered by four c...
Considered to be artist Martin Blaszko's only incursion into film. Through the experimentation with ...
Short film based on a poem and made for the 1st year actor directing course
Best known for his work in video, Richard Fung has made the politics of gender, ethnicity, and sexua...
Enclosed by a civilised landscape, society reduces the problem of human survival to a minimum. The s...
Commissioned for the Irish representation at the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013, The Enclave is an imm...
A data moshed experiment using videos of daily life and textures overlayed with components from olde...
In this hyper-realistic digitally rendered video, sandwiches are assembled in sequence. Each compone...