MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES is the striking new documentary on the world and work of renowned artist Edw...
Bikes for Africa is an entertaining, insightful and moving documentary following the life adventures...
This film tells a story about an unschooled 11-year-old girl Yi-Jie, she's a truly global child who ...
Author and cook David Groß travels through five European countries and cooks exclusively what others...
A comic, biting and revelatory documentary following a small group of prankster activists as they ga...
What happens to the food we digest after it leaves our body? Is it waste that is thrown away or a re...
Maura is a black woman, mother of 7 children and recyclable material collector in one of the largest...
L. M. Guerra, Knight of the University of Oxford; he tries to save our world, spreading the secrets ...
Street Life documents the lives of Chinese migrants in Shanghai, one of the world’s largest and most...
María and Isabel are two women in their fifties who, like many others, recycle in Quito, where there...
Evie Lake introduces The Magic Hat Cafe, an anti-food waste cafe in Newcastle. In today’s climate, i...
A powerful visual journey into the heart of a gut-wrenching environmental tragedy, while delivering ...
Exploring America’s consumption of computers and the hazardous waste we create in pursuit of the lat...
A documentary following an Estonian fashion designer Reet Aus on a global tour to explore the origin...
A group of five people with different backgrounds challenge themselves by driving 200 miles along Au...
Gimme Green is a humorous look at the American obsession with the residential lawn and the effects i...