Jossy's Giants was a children's footballing comedy drama that ran on BBC1 between 1986 and 1987. The show's plot centred on a boys' football team, the Glipton Giants, and their enthusiastic Geordie manager Joswell 'Jossy' Blair. The show was written by darts commentator and television personality Sid Waddell, himself a native of Newcastle upon Tyne. In total, only ten episodes were made. The Producer/Director Edward Pugh became an Executive Producer and ran Children's Programmes Department at BBC Manchester after the series. The distinctive theme music was written by Mike Amatt. Football scenes were shot at a since demolished Oldham Town fc site off Middleton rd Chadderton, exterior scenes were shot in and around Stalybridge, and the studio material was shot at BBC Oxford Road.
Each week, respected team captains Ron Manager and Tommy Stein are joined by host Simon Day and four...
Adapted from Forrest Wilson's books, the children's programme revolves around a grandmother with sup...
Scully was a British television drama with some comedy elements set in the city of Liverpool, Englan...
Seven British construction workers escape Britain's ever growing dole queues and travel to Germany t...
A former soccer player who was once the best in the world becomes the new coach of his town's women'...
Renford Rejects was a teen sitcom produced and broadcast by Nickelodeon UK between 1997 and 2001. Th...
Après Match is an Irish comedy show normally screened after competitive Irish soccer matches on RTÉ....
Captain Tsubasa J is a TV anime series that retells the story of the original manga and also adds s...
Established in 1884, Redbridge Rovers F.C. are one of the oldest club's in England - and one of the ...
An original comic-drama fiction series that portrays the routine of a Brazilian soccer referee in th...
The German national football team wants to be the world’s best once again at the World Cup in Qatar....
In this comedy series, a group of overenthusiastic football parents can't help but interfere with th...
The Kitahara Kickers are a soccer who struggle to win a game, with a run of 22 consecutive losses. B...
Byker Grove was a British television series which aired between 1989 and 2006 and was created by Ade...
In this Argentine dramedy set in the soccer world, three sports agents form an alliance in order to ...
Bola Kampung is a Malaysian animated television series about kampung boys who are lunatic about foot...