Byker Grove was a British television series which aired between 1989 and 2006 and was created by Adele Rose. The show was broadcast at 5.10pm after Newsround on CBBC on BBC One. It was aimed at an older teenager and young adult audience, tackling serious and sometimes controversial storylines.
Adapted from Forrest Wilson's books, the children's programme revolves around a grandmother with sup...
Irreverent comedy drama which follows the messy lives, loves, delirious highs and inevitable lows of...
Aspiring pro skater Josh Raden and his motley crew of friends experience the ups and downs, thrills ...
The life of a group of adolescents going through the trials and tribulations of teendom at Degrassi ...
The highs and lows of a mother and her two daughters as they move from a small town in New Mexico to...
When Jude Harrison enters G Major’s singer/songwriter contest, she knows her stuff will kill, but sh...
An edgy, hip look at urban teen life in NYC, tracing the relationship between a smart Black kid from...
Young Americans is an American television drama. The show explores themes of forbidden love, moralit...
Every summer, Belly and her family head to the Fishers’ beach house in Cousins. Every summer is the ...
17 Forever is a 2022 Indonesian web series directed by Hanung Bramantyo and Jeihan Angga and produce...
The life of a 15 year-old high school student, whose angst-ridden journey through adolescence, frien...
Live Through This is a teen drama broadcast on MTV during the 2000–2001 season, though cancelled aft...
Hillside (known as Fifteen in the United States) is a Canadian-American teen drama that aired on YTV...
High school mathlete Lindsay Weir rebels and begins hanging out with a crowd of burnouts (the "freak...
Angsty and awkward fifteen year old Ginny Miller often feels more mature than her thirty year old mo...
Beans, a Gen Z kid, is sent to a newly gentrified and urban hell, where he works as Devil's social m...
Local snowboarding legend Beck McKaye returns home from the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics with a gold ...
A student’s death causes a scandal at the prestigious Northford High. Investigations conclude it was...
Brooke McQueen, a popular cheerleader at Jacqueline Kennedy High School, and Sam McPherson, the edit...
Get Real was a short-lived comedy-drama on the FOX Network centering on the fictional Green family o...