Young Americans is an American television drama. The show explores themes of forbidden love, morality, social classes and gender roles.
Higher Ground is an American-Canadian drama action television show shot outside Vancouver, British C...
Sugar Rush is an Emmy Award–winning British television comedy drama series developed by Shine Limite...
Two teen cricket prodigies struggle against their overbearing father and a system stacked against th...
Irreverent comedy drama which follows the messy lives, loves, delirious highs and inevitable lows of...
In Tree Hill, North Carolina two half brothers share a last name and nothing else. Brooding, blue-co...
Falcon Crest is an American primetime television soap opera which aired on the CBS network for nine ...
Rags to Riches is an American musical comedy drama series that was broadcast on NBC for two seasons ...
Live Through This is a teen drama broadcast on MTV during the 2000–2001 season, though cancelled aft...
Hillside (known as Fifteen in the United States) is a Canadian-American teen drama that aired on YTV...
The Darling family's obscene wealth and enormous power makes them easy targets for their rivals, en...
A drama chronicling the lives of twentysomethings in the hip L.A. neighborhood of Silverlake.
High school students Dylan Roberts and Ashley Gordon make the transition from being just friends to ...
Being Eve is a television series from New Zealand, originally shown on TV3 from 2001–2002, and rebro...
The highs and lows of a mother and her two daughters as they move from a small town in New Mexico to...
When Jude Harrison enters G Major’s singer/songwriter contest, she knows her stuff will kill, but sh...
An edgy, hip look at urban teen life in NYC, tracing the relationship between a smart Black kid from...
Eagles is a Swedish TV show that revolves around a few teenagers living in the Swedish ice hockey to...
A student’s death causes a scandal at the prestigious Northford High. Investigations conclude it was...
The Carlin family moves from small town Ohio to Los Angeles to find life's not the same. And neither...