Renford Rejects was a teen sitcom produced and broadcast by Nickelodeon UK between 1997 and 2001. The show briefly aired in the United States on Nick GaS. The show concerned a five-a-side school football team, made up of aspiring players who had been turned down by their school's main team. They were named "Renford Rejects" when a rival player sabotaged their league entry form, but decided to stick with the name as it suited their "outcast" nature.
Each week, respected team captains Ron Manager and Tommy Stein are joined by host Simon Day and four...
Footballers' Wives is a British television drama surrounding the fictional Premier League Associatio...
Scully was a British television drama with some comedy elements set in the city of Liverpool, Englan...
The controversial life and history of Argentine football legend Diego Armando Maradona. From his beg...
The Manageress is a television series about a woman who becomes manager of a professional football t...
On and off pitch battles of of the fictional Harchester United Football Club.
A former soccer player who was once the best in the world becomes the new coach of his town's women'...
Après Match is an Irish comedy show normally screened after competitive Irish soccer matches on RTÉ....
Kyosuke Kano has lived under the shadow of his successful brother Seisuke all his life who is a prof...
The trainer for FC Fredericia is sent to Kenya to find a talented player that can save the club.
In this Argentine dramedy set in the soccer world, three sports agents form an alliance in order to ...
Artificial Intelligent Football GGO is made by Puzzle Animation studio Ltd. It's an animation series...
When Games Attack was a British television show, that originally aired on Bravo from 2004 to 2005. T...
Bola Kampung is a Malaysian animated television series about kampung boys who are lunatic about foot...
Captain Tsubasa J is a TV anime series that retells the story of the original manga and also adds s...
Hua Xixi is a manhua-loving girl with a quirky imagination and an interest in drawing. Huo Ziang is ...