Dolly is a television variety show that ran on ABC during the 1987-1988 season featuring Dolly Parto...
Haha and Byul, known as typical lovebirds, and their three children (Dream, Soul, and Song), who hav...
The short-lived variety show, hosted by Gene Di Novi on piano and vocalist Jodie Drake, offered a ca...
Four panelists must determine guests' occupations - and, in the case of famous guests, while blindfo...
Each week a group of four famous faces go toe-to-toe testing their general knowledge in a variety of...
Texaco Star Theater is an American comedy-variety show, broadcast on radio from 1938 to 1949 and tel...
The Colgate Comedy Hour is an American comedy-musical variety series that aired live on the NBC netw...
Remote Control is a TV game show that ran on MTV for five seasons from 1987 until 1990. It was MTV's...
Cher and Sonny Bono starred in this quintessentially '70's TV comedy/variety show. Sonny and Cher's ...
Downtown no Gottsu Ee Kanji (ダウンタウンのごっつええ感じ, roughly "Downtown's Feeling Real Good"), was a Japanese...
Sporting quiz show, with regular captains leading teams of celebrities.
Véronique Cloutier looks back at her week in a live variety show full of surprises, laughs and send-...
Ask the participants, “What kind of person is she or he?” Depending on what kind of relationship you...
A Japanese late night variety show that covered sexy idol music groups, gravure models, shiatsu, nak...
The George Gobel Show is an American television series hosted George Gobel that aired on NBC from 19...