The Voice Brasil is a current Brazilian reality talent show which premiered on Rede Globo on September 23, 2012. Based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, the series was created by Dutch television producer John de Mol. The show is currently broadcast on Sunday afternoons, before the traditional Sunday soccer matches, in a total of 13 weekly episodes. The season finale aired on December 16, 2012 with Ellen Oléria as winner.
La Voz is a Spanish reality talent show that premiered on 19 September 2012 on Telecinco. It is part...
Grease: You're the One That I Want! was an NBC reality television series designed to cast the lead r...
Tune in for an all-star competition as famous singers face off against one another in dazzling head-...
The Voice is a Russian singing competition television series broadcast on Channel One. Based on the ...
Britain's best (and worst) variety acts compete to win a spot at the Royal Variety Show.
Stage School is a 2016 British structured reality television show set at the D&B Academy of Performi...
Kristen Bell is giving one high school musical cast from 20 years ago the chance for a nationally te...
The Voice of Bulgaria is a Bulgarian reality singing competition and local version of The Voice of H...
Bulgaria Searches for a Talent is the Bulgarian version of the Got Talent series. It launched on bTV...
The show was meant to compete with those on West German television. To this end it was fairly succes...
One unsuspecting London high school is presented with the challenge of a lifetime: to audition, rehe...
A musical entertainment program presented by Hassan Al-Raddad, in which an elite group of stars comp...
Fifteen-year-old Skye moves with her father from the big city to rural Northern Ireland, where they ...
Contestants compete in a singing competition that focuses on the quality of their voice.
Follow Ariana DeBose and the cast as they take you through a day in the life backstage at Summer: Th...
This vlog follows Hailey Kilgore and her co-stars backstage and onstage at the Circle in the Square ...