La Voz is a Spanish reality talent show that premiered on 19 September 2012 on Telecinco. It is part of the international syndication The Voice based on the original Dutch television program The Voice of Holland, created by Dutch television producer John de Mol. One of the important premises of the show is the quality of the singing talent. Four coaches, themselves popular performing artists, train the talents in their group and occasionally perform with them. Talents are selected in blind auditions, where the coaches cannot see, but only hear the audition. The series is hosted by Jesús Vázquez, with Tania Llasera as social media correspondent. The original judging panel consisted of David Bisbal, Rosario Flores, Malú and Melendi as the four coaches. In the second season, Antonio Orozco replaced Melendi.
The Voice is a Russian singing competition television series broadcast on Channel One. Based on the ...
The Voice of Bulgaria is a Bulgarian reality singing competition and local version of The Voice of H...
Contestants compete in a singing competition that focuses on the quality of their voice.
The Voice Brasil is a current Brazilian reality talent show which premiered on Rede Globo on Septemb...
Teams of amateur robot fighting enthusiasts battle it out over a series of rounds in a huge purpose-...
Broadway Open House, is network television's first late-night comedy-variety series. It was telecast...
Welcome to The Rotunda, in Dublin - the world's longest-running maternity hospital where over one mi...
Ten Australians are dropped off alone in separate areas of the Tasmanian wilderness where they must ...
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