Stage School is a 2016 British structured reality television show set at the D&B Academy of Performing Arts, a drama school in Bromley, London. The show follows the lives of staff and students who are trying to make their dreams a reality.
The Portuguese version of the American "Dancing with the Stars" where, each week, celebrities perfor...
VIP Dance e българската версия на австралийското танцувално шоу "Strictly Dancing". В България то с...
American Bandstand was an American music-performance show that aired in various versions from 1952 t...
Jointly initiated by Youku and the Hip-Hop Committee of the China's Dancer Association, and official...
Got to Dance, originally titled Just Dance, is a reality talent show dance competition that has been...
Grease: You're the One That I Want! was an NBC reality television series designed to cast the lead r...
My Life as Liz is a mockumentary style American television series that centers on the life of Liz Le...
Two-A-Days is a show on the United States cable television channel MTV. The show chronicled the live...
Since their win last year, cheeky double-act Chris & Wes have been touring the country. We follo...
Dance talent show which sees dancers of any age and dance style compete to win £50,000 and a chance ...
A group of children, aged between four and 13, compete to find out who is the future of dance. They ...
The special brings together the star dancers “as they take a look back at the show that became a wor...
Celebrities perform famous dance routines in front of a panel of judges to raise money for the Sport...
Like other teens in California, the lives of the Laguna Beach teenagers are filled with sandy beache...
A text message arrives from a dead friend. Since then, mysterious cases take place in a high school,...
Two young boy bands from Japan BALLISTIK BOYZ and PSYCHIC FEVER have to live in Thailand for six mon...