The special winning prize for the winner of "World Dice Tour 2," Kwaktube, is revealed! With his par...
My Funniest Year is a British television stand-up comedy series broadcast on Channel 4. In each epis...
In this original format, hosted by Arnaud Soly, sixteen popular comedians compete in subterfuge to s...
Wry yet thoughtful, comedian Ari Shaffir brings his edgy humor to two fast-paced stand-up specials a...
A Japanese variety show hosted by popular Japanese owarai duo, Downtown, with comedian Hōsei Tsukite...
She’s Living for This is an American television comedy and variety series created by Keith Levy and ...
"I Love Kindergarten" is a child growth reality show. It focuses on children aged 2 to 4, and record...
The Half Hour shines a spotlight on some of the funniest and most unique voices in stand-up comedy. ...
A four-part Stan Original comedy series featuring over 20 of Australia’s favourite comedians includi...
While working as a staff writer on The Red Skelton Show, local Los Angeles television comedian Carso...
The Dinah Shore Show is an American variety show which was broadcast by NBC from November 1951 to Ja...
Comedy Shots, A ZEE5 Original series that brings to you the best comic talent in the country. The se...
The Rangers are made up of fifteen GMMTV artists whose appearances rotate. Often joined by celebrity...
LINCOLN is a Japanese variety show. It premiered on October 18, 2005 and ended on September 10, 2013...
Innovative "Claymation" adventures of Gumby and his horse Pokey.
The Toronto Show is an innovative and high-profile entertainment variety showcase for Toronto comedi...
Swan's Place is a variety Christian comedy talk show hosted by comedian Dennis Swanberg and shown on...
Extravaganza is a two-hour comedy variety show based on NBC's Saturday Night Live, aired in Indonesi...