“Prison Life of Fools” is a variety show where the cast members will divide themselves into differen...
The Ray Stevens Show is an American variety series hosted by Ray Stevens that aired on NBC in the su...
TFI Friday was an entertainment show broadcast on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2000....
A gameshow hosted by Ant and Dec filled with stunts, sketches, and special guest appearances.
Eat Bulaga! is a noon-time variety show in the Philippines produced by Television And Production Exp...
The Richard Pryor Show is an American comedy variety series starring Richard Pryor. It premiered on ...
Where the Girls Are was a music and comedy special that aired on NBC in 1968. Noel Harrison, fresh ...
The Sammy Davis Jr. Show is short-lived musical variety series hosted by Sammy Davis Jr. that aired ...
The Amanda Show is an American live action sketch comedy and variety show that aired on Nickelodeon ...
Texaco Star Theater is an American comedy-variety show, broadcast on radio from 1938 to 1949 and tel...
The Tracey Ullman Show is an American television variety show, hosted by British-born comedian and o...
Four Star Revue was an American variety show that aired on NBC from October 4, 1950 to December 26, ...
10 artists from GMMTV, must live together under the same roof. They have to carry out exciting missi...
The Colgate Comedy Hour is an American comedy-musical variety series that aired live on the NBC netw...
Cher and Sonny Bono starred in this quintessentially '70's TV comedy/variety show. Sonny and Cher's ...
A Japanese late night variety show that covered sexy idol music groups, gravure models, shiatsu, nak...