Hell's Kitchen was a British cookery reality show aired on ITV which featured prospective chefs comp...
When top restaurateurs are in need of an executive chef, they turn to Anne Burrell. To find the righ...
Celebrity Italian chef David Rocco embarks on an African culinary sojourn to explore the rich culina...
One of the first cooking shows on American television, created and hosted by Julia Child on public t...
Martin Picard and his crew share their madcap universe: the world of the Au Pied de cochon sugar sha...
Just how far is a chef willing to go to win a cooking competition? Cutthroat Kitchen hands four chef...
Comic Relief takes over the Great British Bake Off tent. Different celebrity faces battle it out wit...
Well-known faces don their aprons in this charity special. Who has got what it takes to go all the w...
Jamie Oliver is here to start a revolution. The impassioned chef takes on obesity, heart disease and...
Aspiring restaurateurs brave Ramsay and his fiery command of the kitchen as he puts the competitors ...
A mix of professional chefs and passionate home cooks compete in a series of creative cooking challe...
The Restaurant is a reality television series that aired on NBC in 2003, with a second season broadc...
Extreme cooking in extreme places! Open the backpacks and it's our kitchen! The location and the gue...
MasterChef Junior Brasil is a culinary competition for talented kids between the ages of 9 and 13 wh...
MasterChef USA, on PBS, is the original US adaptation of the BBC's MasterChef, a cooking competition...
Zane, the author of the blog and cookbook “Našķoties”, will go on a quest to find new tastes and rec...
Bake Off Brasil: Mão na Massa is a Brazilian culinary talent show shown by SBT and Discovery Home & ...
Two people take on the commitment to learn to cook for each other like professional chefs. They will...