Originally intended as an advertising short, this film follows The Elizabethan, a non-stop British R...
A documentary that exposes the shocking truths behind industrial food production and food wastage, f...
In hand-built, double-hulled canoes sixty feet long, the ancestors of today's Polynesians sailed vas...
An amusing view of the machine that has taken the country by winter storm: the snowmobile, revving, ...
Michael Moore comes home to the issue he's been examining throughout his career: the disastrous impa...
Logistics or Logistics Art Project is an experimental art film. At 51,420 minutes (857 hours or 35 d...
At any given moment hundreds of people are soaring above us in a 747. From the moment the very first...
Guy Debord's analysis of a consumer society.
A close-up of a snow-bound city, and the men, money and machinery it takes to dig it out.
Following engineers and scientists on a groundbreaking mission as they build, test and launch the Ja...
A comic, biting and revelatory documentary following a small group of prankster activists as they ga...
A day-to-day record of the construction of the Confederation Bridge linking Prince Edward Island to ...
Monsanto is the world leader in genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as well as one of the most co...
A film looking at the first 100 years of the Underground Railway in London from 1863 to 1963. A rang...
An urban documentary illuminating the struggles of pedestrians, bike and skateboard commuters in Cha...
In April 1918, a disease of unknown origin swept across the five continents. In 18 months, millions ...
Recently discovered footage reveals the secret history of NASA's first landing on the moon, and usin...
In the heart of New York City stands Grand Central Terminal. Explore the magnificent secrets of this...