Total Enslavement is the third installment in the critically-acclaimed Police State series and is a must-see for all who leve freedom. This film documents the nightmare rise of the Homeland Security dictatorship, Patriot Acts 1 and 2, the Total Information Awareness Network, government-run white slavery rings, the new prison surveillance economy and much more.
The true history of the anti-government extremist terrorist group's century of violence. Focusing on...
The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experie...
We live in a world where the powerful deceive us. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They...
More than twenty years after Vladimir Putin came to supreme power in Russia on May 7, 2000, Russian ...
Throughout history, regimes have used terror attacks as a means of control over their populations, a...
In 1981, Wau Holland and other hackers established the Hamburg based Chaos Computer Club (CCC). The ...
Documentary following dockers of Liverpool sacked in a labour dispute and their supporters’ group, W...
A feature length Marxist documentary looking at 20th Century fascism, early English settler colonial...
Margherita Sarfatti, Mussolini's lover and advisor, was a woman who exerted a great influence on the...
From an archived interview originally recorded in 1982, this 1990 production reveals the findings of...
During the Occupation, René Carmille, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, founded what was to bec...
“Binxet – Under the border” is a journey between life and death, dignity and pain, struggle and free...
A documentary that exposes the shocking truths behind industrial food production and food wastage, f...
Under the loving but firm guidance of an old fan turned director and cultural diplomat, and to the s...
Michael Moore's view on how the Bush administration allegedly used the tragic events on 9/11 to push...
A documentary about the closure of General Motors' plant at Flint, Michigan, which resulted in the l...
"Levante" won Canal Futura's annual documentary competition in 2014 and was filmed in Brazil, Mexico...
For consumers, bananas are a delicious and nutritious start to the day, a healthy snack and a fixtur...