A man engulfed in the suffocating grip of loss finds his life fragmented. Struggling to navigate thr...
Godard by Godard is an archival self-portrait of Jean-Luc Godard. It retraces the unique and unheard...
A man searches for his brother in a locked down school.
Hoping to find a sense of connection to her late mother, Gorgeous takes a trip to the countryside to...
L'amour (love). La mort (death). Two French words that could confuse a foreigner, but never a native...
An adaptation of the play "4.48 Psychosis" written by Sarah Kane. The movie consists of scenes that ...
Saga, a kid tasked to make a film project, procrastinates, a lot. A habit that keeps coming back int...
A field full of sheep is observed through the camera, preserving that moment in time forever.
Based upon a habitual fidget of the filmmaker involving the tags in his clothing, Reilly Mitchell ex...
Martina and Sonja, cross-dress in vampire capes and werewolf claws, re-enacting familiar horror trop...
A room-scale VR creative documentary that uses multi-narrative and volumetric live capture to take t...
Anna is thinking of quitting sex work. She hears screaming from out the window.
Someone wanders through a house while fleeing from a mysterious presence. Their body dissolves on-sc...