In 1866, as the U.S. modernized its military, the Army Reorganization Act allowed Native Americans to enlist as scouts, heralding a profound era of change. Amidst this backdrop, the film unfolds the story of Baptiste Garnier, a half Oglala Sioux, half French-Canadian scout known as "Little Bat." Torn between his Sioux roots and his U.S. allegiances, he navigated the brutal Indian wars and was at the heart of pivotal battles, including the tragic Wounded Knee massacre. Although perceived as a bridge between two worlds, Baptiste's duality often led him to make heartbreaking decisions. By the time of his untimely death in 1900, shot by a white bartender over a bar tab dispute, he epitomized the complex weave of identity and legacy, raising questions about the cost of serving two peoples in a divided America.
The story of Noble Sissle Jr., a production company owner, community development expert, and veteran...
Directed by Patrick Gramm, 'The Pigeon People' (2023) takes you deep into Arizona's underground pige...
In search of the lucrative matsutake mushroom, two former soldiers discover the means to gradually h...
In this dynamic and dramatic short film, an African American veteran takes us on an extraordinary jo...
An extraordinary tale of resilience unfolds against the backdrop of intense political rivalry and me...
In the poignant and thought-provoking short film, a distressed mother, Velda, takes center stage as ...
“Buffalo Soldiers: George Jordan and the Indian Wars” is a poignant examination of the marginalized ...
“The Singer: A Montford Point Marine” tells the story of Henry Charles Johnson, one of the first Afr...
In a time when America was on the brink of modernization, Carson "Skeeter" Bigbee emerged from rural...
Dramatic and deeply personal film about the psychological impact of killing on the lives of five sol...
At the core of these memories is Kcey, a spirited young woman of Puerto Rican and African American h...
In the midst of World War II's turmoil, the quaint British town of Bury St. Edmonds becomes a focal ...
Veterans of the Vietnam War tell about their experiences. The disasters but also the glorious moment...
Set against the backdrop of the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, the film chronicles th...
Against the backdrop of a world on the brink, the Montford Point Marines transcended enemy lines and...
Tracing the U.S. military's long history of discrimination against the gay community and one couple'...
In the midst of World War II, the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, an all-female African-A...
A single female voice sings of waiting in her garden for her ‘dark-eyed sailor’ to return from war, ...
A young filmmaker joins a tour of WWII veterans from the 29th Infantry through celebrations surround...
Vintage vehicles on parade in this amateur film record of the longest-running motor event in the wor...