An extraordinary tale of resilience unfolds against the backdrop of intense political rivalry and media scrutiny. Joanne Conte, the indomitable child of Italian immigrants, weathers the storm of public vilification as her past is unceremoniously plastered across the front pages of Colorado papers and on The Maury Povich Show. Yet, this assault on her character is not enough to halt the unwavering march of her life of service. She breaks barriers as the first transgender person to be elected to a city council in U.S. history, but her identity extends far beyond this groundbreaking accomplishment. As a valiant soldier, an impassioned activist, and a tenacious politician, Conte carves out a formidable legacy. This is an emotionally charged and evocatively detailed portrait of Joanne Conte, a multifaceted individual who lived her life far beyond the simplistic narratives of headlines.
Just a generation ago, it was adults, not kids, who changed genders. But today, many children are tr...
Joseph Wilson meets the dance teacher fighting transphobic violence through voguing in Rio’s favelas...
Matt Walsh's controversial doc challenges radical gender ideology through provocative interviews and...
Drag Queens and their cabaret shows are well-known in France, but Drag Kings still remain very much ...
The 1920s saw a revolution in technology, the advent of the recording industry, that created the fir...
Sixteen year olds Palani and Karthik want to become "ladyboys." They're bullied in school and beaten...
Violeta leads a normal life in a well-off family, with loving parents, surrounded by everything the ...
A documentary about the lives of eight trans people from different parts of Rio Grande do Sul, based...
Gender Me is a road movie about Mansour’s voyage into the world of Islam. It is a personal odyssey t...
A former U.S. Navy Seal seeks life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness living life as a transgende...
After the Stonewall riots and at the height of the gay liberation movement in America, an entire gen...
John Banvard and Jerry Nadeau are military veterans who served in World War II and Vietnam, respecti...
Private Diary documents photographer Pedro Usabiaga working with a variety of amateur models. The au...
Camp Beaverton is the Home for Wayward Girls, the only queer, all women, trans-inclusive, sex positi...
The rise, fall, and legacy of gay rights warrior Jeffrey Montgomery, and the struggle for equality i...
'Ellas' will go through fifty years of the history of transsexuality through the story of five women...
In this two-hour special event from The Boulet Brothers' Dragula, previous drag monsters from Season...
Through letters written to herself at several different pivotal points during her life, Maya Heineck...
Fred Martinez was a Navajo youth slain at the age of 16 by a man who bragged to his friends that he ...
A landmark court decision in Massachusetts allows gay people in that state to marry - forcing activi...