After his retirement, french philosopher and bullfighting enthusiast Francis Wolff decides to embark...
Blas Romero "El Platanito" is a bullfighter who begins to take its first steps in Merida. After a lo...
Juanito, a peaceful fan of bullfighting, has become picador's assistant to see from the same arena t...
Four real episodes told by their protagonists: Antonio Mejías "Bienvenida" tells the serious goring ...
Join Pete Docter for a tour around Pixar and get a sneak peek at several upcoming Disney+ releases.
Directed by Claude Du Boc and narrated by Stacey Keach the film centers on the fragility of life and...
A sobering look at the erosion of democracy & freedom of the press in the United States and abroad.
After experiencing flashbacks surrounding her years at a behavior modification school in rural Utah,...
The immense leap in technological advancement is changing the way we live, learn, interact, and beli...
The FIFA official film of the 1978 World Cup, held in Argentina and won by the host nation
Shown as part of the BBC's Modern Times series. Think of England shows Parr talking to the many peop...
In Tanzania there is a growing clandestine market for albino skin, bones and hair as ingredients in ...