Groundbreaking documentary which follows a Japanese-led team of scientists as they attempt to shed light on the mysterious world of deep sea sharks. Only 50 specimens of the newly discovered 'megamouth' have ever been sighted. Over four years, scientists and film crews voyaged in midget submarines into the depths of Suruga Bay and Sagami Bay to film them. Prehistoric 'living fossil' sharks such as bluntnose sixgill sharks, goblin sharks and frilled sharks also lurk in the depths. As part of the investigation, a sperm whale carcass was placed at the bottom of the sea to attract these sharks, which were then studied and observed from the submersible vessels. Revealing in detail the previously unknown behaviour of deep sea sharks, the film unravels another of the intriguing mysteries of our planet's biodiversity.
At the border between Navarre and Aragon we find the moors known as the Bardenas Reales, characteriz...
It is a powerful predator, one of the most elusive animals in Patagonia and rarely filmed. In the ve...
Trek into the hidden battlefields of northern Botswana where lions and spotted hyenas clash in overl...
In this documentary produced by the BBC, Sir David Attenborough leads us through an examination of t...
Latest research shows the humpback whales’ song to be a weapon used in verbal exchanges between bull...
Feared as killers, sharks are the ocean's most misunderstood creatures. This documentary tells their...
From Oscar-winning filmmakers Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin, "Wild Life" follows conservationist Kr...
Life on Air: David Attenborough's 50 Years in Television is a BBC documentary film that recounts Dav...
The incredible true story of nature’s greatest explorers—lemurs. Through footage captured with IMAX ...
Is there a connection between animal sounds and the music that humans create? Using a surprising and...
In the Bible, God destroys the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and sides with Joshua to conquer ...
In April 2013, a fishing vessel was attacked off the coast of South Africa, killing all on board. A ...
A new mother’s memories of her own youth prepare her to navigate motherhood in the increasingly chal...
An epic story of adventure, starring some of the most magnificent and courageous creatures alive, aw...
Takes us to locations all around the US and shows us the heavy toll that modern technology is having...
The fiercest, strangest, and wildest creatures in the animal kingdom face off in a countdown of the ...
A look at the state of the global environment including visionary and practical solutions for restor...
Only few big cats have been as intensively studied as lions. We thought we knew everything about the...
What if there was a museum that contained every type of life form in the universe? This experience ...