Mind Wars is a quiz game show comprising four teams of two students from grade six to ten, and hosted by Shreyas Talpade. They are asked general knowledge questions about India and its current affairs. The team that answers the questions correctly wins the title of Mind Wars Champions.
Contestants strive to correctly answer difficult trivia questions. And when they can't, they simply ...
Eighty-one teams of three compete in the first ever Pop Culture Jeopardy! tournament for the grand p...
America's favorite quiz show where contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the for...
Swedish quiz show with Filip & Fredrik.
The 1% Club is a game show like no other! Unlike most quizzes, they don't need to brush up on genera...
Quiz in which six candidates, each with their own specialism, try to win a large amount of money for...
Do you pee in the shower? Have you ever cheated on an exam? What is your favorite deep-fried snack? ...
Comedy reboot of the classic TV game show. Comedy Central's reincarnation remains true to the origi...
Na Lovu is a Czech game-show, based on the license of the popular global format The Chase. A heart-r...
The Shiny Show is a pre-school children's quiz show, broadcast by CBeebies. Each show featured a qui...
A spectacular battle of the brains quiz show in which 81 contestants stand on 81 squares on a massiv...