Saber y ganar, the cultural quiz show of "La 2" hosted by Jordi Hurtado, has celebrated sixteen years on the air, thus becoming the daily program with a longer running time in the history of Spanish television. During the show's thirty-minute duration three contestants compete in different tests where they have to answer trivia-like questions, putting their mental, reasoning and memory abilities to the test. Most of the questions have a moderate level of difficulty and are spread over six different games: "Cada sabio con su tema", where each contestant answer questions about a given topic of their choice; "La pregunta caliente", where contestants must answer random questions; "El duelo", where two contestants answer questions about a topic that changes daily; "La parte por el todo", where the contestants must figure out what an image, piece of text or piece of music belong to; "La calculadora humana", where the contestant with the second highest score must answer fifteen basic arithmetic operations in 50 seconds in order to keep his/her earnings for the day; and finally "El reto", where the contestant with the least score has to figure out seven words from their root and definition in order to remain in the game. If the contestant loses the "El Reto", a new individual will be chosen to replace him/her the next episode.
Academic quiz show where teams of students from UK universities answer questions on all manner of su...
A heart-racing quiz show where three competitors must pit their wits and face off against the Chaser...
Comedy reboot of the classic TV game show. Comedy Central's reincarnation remains true to the origi...
Na Lovu is a Czech game-show, based on the license of the popular global format The Chase. A heart-r...
America's favorite quiz show where contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the for...
Ciao Darwin is a variety game show format from Italy sold under licence to several countries, includ...
Sue Perkins hosts as the country's brightest spellers aged between nine and 13 compete in a series o...
The second series of All Star Family Fortunes began on ITV on 27 October 2007. It ran for ten weeks ...
In this panel game show, contestants try to match answers given by six celebrities to humorous and o...
In each episode, four strangers join forces to give unanimous answers to general knowledge questions...
Mind Wars is a quiz game show comprising four teams of two students from grade six to ten, and hoste...
Teams answer questions to earn time and advantages over their competitors before going on a supermar...
1 contro 100 is the Italian version of the quiz 1 vs 100. The game features a single player (the "1"...
Quiz in which six candidates, each with their own specialism, try to win a large amount of money for...
Each week, respected team captains Ron Manager and Tommy Stein are joined by host Simon Day and four...
Hilarious, totally-irreverent, near-slanderous political quiz show, based mainly on news stories fro...
Comedy quiz show full of quirky facts, in which contestants are rewarded more if their answers are '...