The Handler is a crime series created by Canadian writer-producer Chris Haddock, airing in the United States on CBS in the 2003-04 season. The show starred Joe Pantoliano as Joe Renato, an FBI agent assigned to train and handle young undercover officers in the FBI. Other cast members included Hill Harper, Anna Belknap, Lola Glaudini, and Tanya Wright. Belknap and Harper would reunite as costars on the drama CSI: New York beginning in 2005.
Witness the crime busting techniques and forensic science used by the FBI to break the most baffling...
Justice is an American legal drama produced by Jerry Bruckheimer that aired on Fox in the USA and CT...
Each episode of this series, set in contemporary Los Angeles, examines one crime from many different...
L.A. Law is an American television legal drama series that ran for eight seasons on NBC from Septemb...
Welcome to the war between the FBI and organized crime. One side enforces the law as the other break...
Rescue 77 is an American television series about the professional and personal lives of paramedics i...
The story of an inner-city Los Angeles police precinct where some of the cops aren't above breaking ...
Set in the sprawling mecca of the rich and famous, Ray Donovan does the dirty work for LA's top powe...
As the Cold War rages, ex-smuggler turned reluctant spy Harry Palmer finds himself at the centre of ...
Joe Forrester is an American Crime/Drama TV series, starring Lloyd Bridges.
When death is your business, what is your life? For the Fisher family, the world outside of their fa...
21 Jump Street revolves around a group of young cops who would use their youthful appearance to go u...
Cover Up is an American action/adventure television series that aired for one season on CBS from Sep...
Based on a true story, this family-friendly series follows the adventures of a young, hearing impair...
Tequila and Bonetti is an American comedy-drama series
L.A. Doctors is an American medical drama television series set in a Los Angeles practice. It ran on...
FBI Special Agent Olivia Dunham, brilliant but formerly institutionalized scientist Walter Bishop an...
Ambitious young cops try to prove themselves in their high-stakes careers, in which the smallest mis...
A young CIA operative, Annie Walker, is mysteriously summoned to headquarters for duty as a field op...