Based on a true story, this family-friendly series follows the adventures of a young, hearing impaired woman who has a special gift and goes to work for the FBI in Washington, D.C. She's one hard-headed, soft-hearted woman whose talent for reading lips helps crack crimes and bag the bad guys in places listening devices can't penetrate. With her hearing-ear dog, Levi, Sue's a glutton for jeopardy – and there's (almost) nothing she won't do to bring notorious criminals to justice. This remarkable, edge-of-your-seat drama is an inspiring tribute to the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity and achieve great things.
Hawaii is a United States television series produced and distributed by NBC Universal Television for...
Pacific Blue is an American crime drama series about a team of police officers with the Santa Monica...
FBI agent Angela Clinton has the exceptional gift of knowing when someone is lying. She discovered t...
This series revolves around the Los Angeles field office of the FBI that was assigned to the most d...
Fun-loving San Francisco Police Department investigator Nash Bridges is part of the elite Special In...
After his handler is killed, police dog Rex teams up with recently-divorced inspector Richard Moser ...
Sergeant Thomas Jefferson Hooker is a tough-as-nails veteran police officer with the LCPD who turns ...
In the future when technological enhancements and robotics are a way of life, Major Motoko Kusanagi ...
Facing a series of complex murder cases, new police commander Hélène Bach must learn to work with th...
Like his legendary namesake, Kwai Chang Caine is a warrior monk, operating a Shaolin temple in North...
Witness the crime busting techniques and forensic science used by the FBI to break the most baffling...
The West Wing provides a glimpse into presidential politics in the nation's capital as it tells the ...
Sledge Hammer! is an American satirical police sitcom produced by New World Television that ran for ...
In cases ripped from the headlines, police investigate serious and often deadly crimes, weighing the...
Stingers brings to light the life and work of an undercover police unit located in Melbourne. This d...
Inspired by actual cases and experiences, Numb3rs depicts the confluence of police work and mathemat...
Martial Law is an American/Canadian crime drama that aired on CBS from 1998 to 2000, and was created...