På spåret is a popular Swedish TV game show broadcast on SVT since September 5, 1987. The show, which is intended to be humorous yet educational, has remained one of the most popular TV shows in Sweden, attracting an average of 2,150,000 viewers during the 2007 season. The all-time record was set in March 1990, when 3.7 million people tuned in to see the show. This means that nearly every second Swede saw the game show. På spåret is an original format developed by Ingvar Oldsberg for SVT, and he hosted the show for many years. Author and tennis legend Björn Hellberg was promoted from contestant to permanent Oldsberg sidekick in 1995 after winning for four straight seasons. Famous gourmet, restaurant-owner, and former contestant Carl-Jan Grankvist sat in for Hellberg during the 2004 season. In 2009, after 21 years, Oldsberg left and Kristian Luuk took over as the host. Björn Hellberg too decided to leave and was replaced with Fredrik Lindström.
In a Temple filled with lost treasures and protected by mysterious Mayan temple guards, six teams of...
Four panelists must determine guests' occupations - and, in the case of famous guests, while blindfo...
Nail-biting children's game show combining mental and physical challenges and a big slice of luck
America's favorite quiz show where contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the for...
Catchphrase is a British game show based on the short-lived U.S. game show of the same name. It orig...
Hollywood Squares is an American panel game show, in which two contestants play tic-tac-toe to win c...
Bad Influence! is an early to mid-1990s British factual television programme broadcast on CITV betwe...
Two families go head to head as they try to name the post popular answer to survey-based questions p...
Family Fortunes makes a welcome return to ITV. Two families go head to head as they try to name the ...
Lingo is a British game show hosted by Adil Ray where pairs of contestants compete to find words acr...
GamesMaster was a British television show, screened on Channel 4 from 1992 to 1998, and was the firs...
The Mole is a reality television game show which was originally created in 1999 by Woestijnvis. It w...
Footage from the popular game show, Takeshi's Castle has been re-edited, re-written and re-voiced in...
Danish version of the British “Taskmaster” panel show in which comedians, actors and musicians (the ...
A game show based on the Carmen Sandiego computer game series created by Brøderbund Software.