Catchphrase is a British game show based on the short-lived U.S. game show of the same name. It originally aired on ITV in the United Kingdom between 12 January 1986 and 19 December 2002. It was presented by Northern Irish comedian Roy Walker from 1986–1999; followed by Nick Weir from 2000–2002, and Mark Curry in 2002. In the original series, two contestants, one male and one female would have to identify the familiar phrase represented by a piece of animation accompanied by background music. The show's mascot, a golden robot called "Mr. Chips", appears in many of the animations. In the revived version of the show, the same format remains, but there are three contestants. In August 2012, it was announced that Stephen Mulhern would host a revived version of the show beginning on 7 April 2013. On 21 August 2013, it was confirmed that Catchphrase has been re-commissioned for a second series, following the success of the first.
A game show that takes place on a set inspired on a cool and crazy house. Two teams will have a chan...
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Michael McIntyre hosts a gameshow packed with huge stars, big laughs and a giant spinning wheel. Can...
Four panelists must determine guests' occupations - and, in the case of famous guests, while blindfo...
12 strangers will spend 19 days in paradise. Arriving with basic survival gear the group will think...
A game show based on the Carmen Sandiego computer game series created by Brøderbund Software.
Bad Influence! is an early to mid-1990s British factual television programme broadcast on CITV betwe...
From the comfort of your couch, snag chances to win prize money alongside your favorite Iraqi stars,...
Game$how Marathon is an American television program which aired on CBS from May 31, 2006 to June 29,...
Tune in for an all-star competition as famous singers face off against one another in dazzling head-...
A game show that takes place on a set inspired on a cool and crazy house. Two teams will have a chan...
It's sink or swim as entrepreneurs from all over the world pitch their groundbreaking crypto and NFT...
In a Temple filled with lost treasures and protected by mysterious Mayan temple guards, six teams of...
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