Haha and Byul, known as typical lovebirds, and their three children (Dream, Soul, and Song), who hav...
Say What? Karaoke was a game show that aired on the American cable television network MTV. The show ...
The Singing Bee is a karaoke game show that originally aired on NBC and now airs on CMT. Combining k...
Carpool Karaoke is a recurring segment on The Late Late Show with James Corden in which James Corden...
Contestants will choose songs from different genres, decades and musical artists, then they’ll take ...
Usagi Tsukino is a clumsy teenage girl who becomes a Magical Girl named Sailor Moon after meeting a ...
Comedian Mario Tessier and a celebrity guest sing familiar tunes in crowded public places in and aro...
Based on James Corden show Carpool Karaoke where the host invites famous musical guests to sing alon...
Celebrity pairings ride along in a car together as they sing tunes from their personal playlists and...
A comedy focusing on Kondo Asami, a 33-year-old single woman who lives with her parents and works at...
South Korean variety show where the cast and their special guests battle it out through a karaoke si...
Hitting all the wrong notes, in the best possible way, contestants are challenged to perform their f...
Natural history series focusing on the spectacular scenery and indigenous wildlife of Russia. The te...
Ex-Special Forces soldier Jason Fox used to hunt drug lords for a living. Now, he heads unarmed into...
De kijk van Koolhoven is a six part series of movie lectures given by director and cinephile Martin ...
An examination of how America’s changing style through the decades has mirrored the political, socia...