The Singing Bee is a karaoke game show that originally aired on NBC and now airs on CMT. Combining karaoke singing with a spelling bee-style competition, this show features contestants trying to remember the lyrics to popular songs. Originally slated to begin with a six episode series during the fall of 2007, it launched early in reaction to FOX's competing Don't Forget the Lyrics!.
Star Académie is the biggest musical phenomenon on television. During the week, the Quotidienne foll...
The Voice Generations bring the voices of Filipinos of all ages and generations together not just to...
It Takes Two is the Australian version of UK series Just the Two of Us, which ran for three seasons ...
On a colourful and festive stage, host Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge welcomes a wide range of beloved Qu...
Featuring the country's best a cappella groups performing popular songs like you've never heard them...
After mesmerizing an incredible 460 million viewers in over 150 countries worldwide for more than a ...
Nashville Star is an American reality television program. It was last produced and transmitted durin...
The Spanish language US version of The Voice, the purest competition of vocal talent never seen befo...
Participants compete to find out who is the best music impressionist of Chile.
Graham Norton hosts the annual search for a singer or group to represent the United Kingdom at the E...
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (abbreviated UMK) is an annual music contest organised by the Finnish public...
Stars in Their Eyes was a British television talent show that ran on Saturday nights from 21 July 19...
Leaving their day jobs behind, members of the public will be transformed into their most beloved mus...