Les Invincibles is a comedy/drama television series from Radio-Canada produced by Casablanca Product...
Les Belles Histoires des pays d'en haut is a Canadian television drama series, which aired on Radio-...
Following an unforeseeable tragedy, the inhabitants of the small community of Lac Sabin have to lear...
Omertà or Omertà, The Code of Silence is a Quebec television series of 11 forty-five minute episodes...
With humour and compassion, Annie et ses hommes shows us the ups and downs of a modern family, focu...
Nathalie Lapointe is in her early forties, a single mother of three with a successful career as colu...
Marie Lamontagne, a widowed mother of two in her forties, confesses to a murder she didn't commit to...
The story of families haunted, despite themselves, by a past that has not died.
Fictional portrayal of 'The Summer of 1990' in Kanehsatake: the major conflict between a Mohawk comm...
In the fictional city of Saint Andrews, Brett Montgomery, a wealthy cosmetics businessman and doctor...
The life and times of Canadian inventor and industrial genius, Joseph-Armand Bombardier.
Fragile tells the story of two diametrically opposite families: the wealthy, influential Bachands, a...
Lance et Compte is a series of Quebec téléromans revolving around a Quebec City ice hockey team. The...
After his alcohol-fuelled 18th birthday party, Cédric gets into a spectacular car crash as he drives...