The series is based on the manga Tokusatsu Gagaga, a comedy manga by Tanba Niwa. Tokusatsu Gagaga series follows Kano Nakamura, an office lady played by Fuka Koshiba, who is secretly a tokusatsu otaku, a toku-ota. She lives her life by the code of tokusatsu heroes and often envisions herself as one as a means to make it through her daily struggles.
Follow Garbage Boy, a self-proclaimed superhero who believes he has real superpowers, and his sideki...
As new villains overrun Gotham City of the future, the aging Bruce Wayne hangs up the cape of the on...
Join the VR troopers as they use `Virtual Reality' to stop the evil GrimLord creating havoc.
Sledge Hammer! is an American satirical police sitcom produced by New World Television that ran for ...
Naoto detective Jiban fights for justice against Bioron and his evil plans to conquer the world.
Following the chronicles of the East End working-class Garnett family, headed by patriarch Alf Garne...
That's My Bush! is an American comedy television series that aired on Comedy Central from April 4 to...
Set before his pyrotechnic rise to stardom, (M.C.) Hammer is still Stanley Kirk Burrell, helping kid...
Fighting for truth, justice and the last slice of pizza, these five superheroes are living proof you...
The Powerpuff Girls is a animated television series about Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, three kin...
The adventures of a late-20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who, after be...
Created by French surrealist artist Roland Topor and director Henri Xhonneux, Telecat is a news sho...
My Hero is a BBC sitcom created by Paul Mendelson. The programme ran for six series, first broadcast...
A zany comedy show with Matt Lucas and David Walliams, featuring characters from all over Little Bri...
Three millennia after the first invasion of the Space Pirates Barban, a new set of Gingamen — Hyuuga...
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law features ex-superhero Harvey T. Birdman of Birdman and the Galaxy Tr...
The galaxy's most powerful superheroes return to battle the allied villains and criminal plots that ...
For the families living at Sky Castle, an exclusive residential community that's home to Korea's eli...
During an experiment gone bad, radiation turns a scientist into a raging green behemoth whenever he ...
Batfink is an animated television series, consisting of five-minute shorts, that first aired in Sept...