The story involves two pairs of teenage elder sister and younger brother, the Shinmoto's who are a bit narcissistic and the Saitou's who look a bit mysterious. It follows their everyday life in school and at home.
The anime will focus on the everyday lives of three different streamer cats: Nya, who has a small ch...
Bua, a medical student from today’s 5G era, is mysteriously swept back to King Rama III's reign – th...
Chen Jun, an aimless wannabe otaku, suddenly became the Emperor of a multiverse-spanning kingdom. Th...
As a member of a malevolent organization, the General is tasked with invading Earth and wiping out h...
In this world, creatures like vampires and werewolves still walk about, but Aya Rindo can’t say the ...
In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises...
Ponyland is full of excitement, if you know where to find it! Join the 7 Pony Friends—Starlight, Swe...
Tong Xiaoman learns that she has late-stage cancer and only has three months left to live. Will thin...
Chonpansa got pregnant with her son, Luk Prun, after a one night stand with an unknown man who she l...
Xiao Wen and Su Xi took an instant dislike to each other, but soon discovered they’re actually simil...
Lin Kesong has an acute sense of taste. To pursue the guy that she likes, she came to America. There...
Brought together by the mysterious Dr. Tarsan, four powerful psychic warriors Mia Alice, Lamba Nom, ...
In a galaxy far away, there is a kid without innate ability to practice internal techniques. So, in ...
Yoo Baek is a former idol star, who became a household name as an actor, but he's a vain, unapologet...
An ordinary young man from the countryside refuses to settle for the present and tries to carve out ...
High-strung Chiga finds himself questioning the results when his judo team partner, Kokusai, is elec...
With his looks, personality and capabilities, 35-years-old Haruno Yoichi is considered the "ideal hu...
To pursue her dreams, Sakurai Kazumi (Wakui Emi) quits her job and goes to New York to study jewelry...
Wang Xiao Xia lived a difficult life. Growing up in the orphanage with her brother taught her resili...