Magician's Academy revolves around Takuto Hasegawa, who attends a magic academy that is not marked on any map. During a summoning spell exam, he accidentally creates a girl named Tanarot, who happends to hold enough magical power to destroy his country, but fortunately Tanarot professes undying loyalty to her "creator."
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is an animated television series based on the film of the same name. The ...
After a rash of mysterious deaths, Crown prosecutor Sarah Sinclair and SSC agent James Blood discove...
Kaoru's unexpected new roommate is Rilakkuma, a bear with a zipper on its back that spends each day ...
One day, on his way to high school, student Junpei picks up an unusual looking rock. Thinking nothin...
Mermaids are known worldwide as bewitching mythological creatures of the sea. Despite their charms a...
People's lives have changed because of VR and AR, and an competitive sport has born from these techn...
The story takes place in a world created by a beings known as "Story Tellers." At birth, all inhabit...
The rowdiest guild in Fiore Kingdom is back! Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, and the whole Fairy Tail guild...
Ike is a powerful magician and the leader of the Immortal Brigade, part of the Seventh Corps of the ...
Kazuhiro Kitase's only hobby is sleeping. Ever since he was young, he would enter a wondrous world w...
Years after the horrors of Raccoon City, Leon and Claire find themselves consumed by a dark conspira...
"All stars" season of Show by Rock!! featuring all the bands from previous seasons.
A young boy named Ishino Arashi is obsessed with video games. He would spend all his time trying to ...
The story centers on third-year high school student Jiro Yakuin, who gets saddled with his gyaru cla...
Sporting designer clothes, make-up, and nails, Ran Kotobuki is the very picture of a trendy, young S...
Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the middle of spri...
Part-timer Carole meets rich girl Tuesday, and each realizes they've found the musical partner they ...
Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This...
Fubuki is a girl whose only goal in life is to be the arcade games! She's not much good at...