The series revolves around the life of Camilo and Juancho, two friends who work in the maestro Guzmán's orchestra, both share the dream of one day becoming the most recognized musicians in the tropical genre. In this long journey to fulfill their dream, they meet Daniela, a woman of good economic position who wants to be famous and live music as they do. Daniela will have to hide from her family that she is part of a musical orchestra, and Camilo and Juancho that she is from a family of high social class. But everything gets complicated when Camilo and Juancho fall in love with Daniela, that's when their friendship and dreams of being famous will be truncated by the love of a woman.
During the Suez Crisis of 1956, two young clerks at the stuffy Foreign Office in Whitehall display l...
Totally Frank was a comedy drama series with a real life band as its stars on Channel 4. It followed...
Based on a true story, the drama tells the tragic love story of Kim Woo Jin, a married stage drama w...
Two broke comedians go from rags to riches when a pop superstar / garbage boy mistakes their parody ...
A youth named Diego (David Chocarro) was released from prison, 20 years after being incarcerated. He...
Rote Rosen is a German telenovela produced by Studio Hamburg Serienwerft Lüneburg and broadcast by D...
In the swing of the 70s, two women fight for the love of the same man without knowing their fates we...
Jeong In is found dead, grasping a note forewarning her death. In the past, she and Min Tae Chang co...
This modern fairy tale tells the story of a homeless girl who dreams of helping out her family and f...
After making a pact with Jequitibá, José Inocêncio becomes a mythical figure, known as the most succ...
Livia and Felipe are in a forbidden love story doomed to end tragically. A century later, they both ...
Five half-siblings – Venus, Andromeda, Jupiter, Electra, and Plutao – share the same father, Pedro. ...