Vivir a Destiempo is a Mexican telenovela produced by Fides Velasco and Jacky Castro for Azteca. It stars Edith González and Ramiro Fumazoni as the protagonists alongside Humberto Zurita, Andrea Noli and Wendy de los Cobos as the main villains. The original story and screenplay is written by Eric Vonn. From February 25 to September 20, 2013 Azteca 13 broadcast Vivir a Destiempo, replacing Los Rey.
Haru Satonaka is the captain of an ice-hockey team, a star athlete who stakes everything on hockey b...
Maging Sino Ka Man was a critically acclaimed Filipino primetime drama series that premiered on ABS-...
Tan Jing is a single mother whose son has natural heart disease. In order to save up for her son's s...
Chonpansa got pregnant with her son, Luk Prun, after a one night stand with an unknown man who she l...
Xiao Wen and Su Xi took an instant dislike to each other, but soon discovered they’re actually simil...
Pan, a desolate plastic surgeon, lived a repetitive and boring life every day until a conspiracy hap...
A failed bidding for a project lets locomotive designer Lin Zhenyi experience a sense of failure. He...
Inside the Beijing hutongs where professionals who engage in art conservation and restoration live i...
His past life and current life are intersecting--a boy with memories of two lives faces his destiny!...
Eating around other people is a struggle for salaryman Yutaka, despite his talent for cooking. All t...
Following a failed confession to her first love, female high school student Mikoto Ochiai contemplat...
Yamihara Kokoro and Asada Toramatsu live in a town that is quite peaceful, until a serial murder cas...
Hayami Honoka works in the sales department for a major consumer electronics company. She is excelle...
In this Filipino remake, we follow the comedic lives and loves of Andy and Arthur. Andy is a hardwor...