The series focuses on Ayukawa Noriko, the teacher of a class of first-graders. One day, a boy named Kento transfers into her class from another school, where he was treated as a problem child. In reality, the inquisitive Kento actually displays the potential of being a prodigy, and it's up to Noriko to figure out how to handle him. The story draws inspiration from the childhood of famous inventor Thomas Edison, who was also considered a problem child by most adults around him.
The whacky adventures of Ned Bigby and his best pals Moze and Cookie at James K. Polk Middle School,...
With graduation 10 days away, homeroom teacher Hiiragi gathered all 29 students of class 3-A and pro...
The Waverly Wonders is a short-lived TV sitcom, starring retired pro football star Joe Namath, that ...
A rumor states that if you take a photo of someone you like with your cellphone and keep it hidden, ...
The story of a 15-year-old junior high school student. Hiroshi transfers from a private school to a ...
This series connects the story of the second movie, "Chihayafuru Part II", with the third movie, "Ch...
Hope and Glory is a BBC television drama about a comprehensive school struggling with financial, sta...
The heartwarming yet uncomfortable relationship between three adult siblings: one in the 1%, one mid...
Love is unusual for Koizumi Risa and Ootani Atsushi, who are both striving to find their ideal partn...
Yurie is just an ordinary middle school girl in the 1980's - until overnight she finds out that she ...
The life of a 15 year-old high school student, whose angst-ridden journey through adolescence, frien...
Two teams fight it out to dodge detention, and put the cool back into school, in a mischievous mix o...
Jun Ho is a vampire who is about to die. To survive, he will need to drink pure blood and thus becom...
As her 16th birthday approaches, a not-so-average teen rediscovers the fiery powers she's long suppr...
Six outsiders learn the only way to survive school is by sticking together. But can you ever really ...
Otonokizaka High School is planning to close within three years. However, nine female students come ...
Teachers is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC. The show ran for six episodes until its...
Churuya is a girl with a strong passion for smoked cheese. But Kyon and the rest of the crew know th...