Based on a true story depicted in the non-fiction book “Gekokujou Kyuuji Mie Kenritsu Hakusan Koukou Koushien Made no Miracle.” The story follows Nagumo Shuuji, a social studies teacher at Mie Prefecture’s Etsuzan Senior High School, who was a former baseball player up until university when he quit after sustaining an injury. Thereafter, he worked as a sports trainer but returned to university at 32 years old in order to pursue his dream of becoming a teacher. However, his peaceful daily life goes through a change after he’s appointed to be the advisor of his school’s baseball club that is on the verge of abolition.
'Our D-Day' is a work that tells the story of the last journey of a man and his friends who establis...
A story about a talented child actress who wins back her dream after retiring from acting. Keito was...
After a traumatic incident at a party makes her a target of gossip and derision, a young college stu...
Sterlopers is a South African musical youth drama television series created and written by Deon Oppe...
Sinohara Yuri (Fumika Baba) is a young female college student who has been troubled by a dangerous s...
Ai, a young girl with shut-in tendencies, who tries not to interact with others. She keeps one of he...
Towa Furuya is a handsome high school student, but he has never had girlfriend. Towa and his friends...
Friends suck, and trusting someone is just setting yourself up. That's the lesson Mei Tachibana lear...
Haruto Tokishima, a student from Sakimori High School living on the sphere's "Module 77", discovers ...
Cha Gong-chan was able to enter the top private high school in the affluent Gangnam District, Myoung...
Modern students experience considerable stress during their school years; there is a strong focus on...
Young girl Lu Hui, is born with severe face blindness and is used to keeping a distance from people....
The story tells the romance of the young Nan Xi, who has many talents but suffers from social anxiet...
Misaki decides to join the Brass Band Club having heard of its prestigious past from her father, a f...
The lively and adorable Tin has had a life-long dream to marry the older boy in the neighborhood, Pa...
Yurie is just an ordinary middle school girl in the 1980's - until overnight she finds out that she ...
The life of a 15 year-old high school student, whose angst-ridden journey through adolescence, frien...
At school, Lee Da Yeol spends most of his time living as an outsider. Not popular by any stretch of ...