Takara Shun, a high school student who belongs to a popular group in the class, and Taichi Amagi, a pure boy who is not a conspicuous type but is liked by people, realize their love for each other. Even though they start dating in secret, it is difficult for them to be honest.
The life of a group of adolescents going through the trials and tribulations of teendom at Degrassi ...
Linda La Hughes shares a flat with Tom Farrell. Linda is overweight, loudmouthed and not particularl...
After being duped and going bankrupt, model Maddie is convinced by David to become a partner in a de...
Don't Panic! The story of Arthur Dent, an average Englishman who life was spared by his friend, who ...
This isn't a normal coffee shop, it only appears when you need it most. Thana, an office worker, get...
Su Ye, posing as CEO Song Yuexi's bodyguard to investigate an injury case, moves next door to her fo...
Ever since he can remember, Salin has been dreaming about a man in traditional Thai clothes. In ever...
Advanced placement into a school of higher grade proof-reading is determined by the results of the P...
Keima is a dating sim champion. Cute girls are rendered powerless by his irresistible game playing t...
There are three of the Minami sisters: Haruka, Kana and Chiaki, who have an average life. The girls ...
16-year-old Hayate is really down on his luck. Because his unemployed parents are good-for-nothings ...
A 52-year-old teacher got dumped by her boyfriend just because she's old. She ended up doing a full-...
Touya Fujii is a twenty-year-old college student dating a rising singer named Yuki Morikawa. Along t...
Loki, the Norse god of mischief, has been exiled to the human world for what was apparently was a ba...
Time manipulation comes with a steep price for a young woman, who becomes 78 years old overnight aft...
In order to receive a bone marrow transplant quicker and be able to continue her career as an actres...