Fifteen years ago, a young girl saved a young boy from drowning at a farm. Upon his rescue, they bec...
In the story of Bakhtiyar and Aysel, there is a piece of every sinner of this city. This time we wil...
Because of a lost personal device, the lovely and childlike Fiona Ko Yat-Sze is brought together wit...
A man who has mastered the art of making wrong decisions finds himself living with his sweetheart. A...
Alize, who lost her mother the day she was born, is a beautiful but very selfish young girl who was ...
Two American kids who live on a U.S. military base in Italy explore friendship, first love, identity...
Two people from different backgrounds, and different decades. This couple will prove that when two s...
Eighteen Springs (also known as Affair of Half a Lifetime) is a 2003 drama-romance TV series based o...
A love story revolving around childhood sweethearts, Ling Chao and Xiao Tu, who journey through yout...
Armaan and Saadi are inseparable best friends who love each other to death like brothers. Aiman come...
The story revolves around the love story of Sarmad and Ayla. While Ayla comes from a middle-class ba...
This is a love story about a weekend marriage between two people who are clumsy when it comes to lov...
Margaret and David have been seeing each other for more than a year. One day, David initiated the id...