The twelve-year love story of two individuals with completely opposite personalities who unexpectedl...
This story revolves around the lives of Mr Rashid, his wife, Amna, and his two daughters, Falak and ...
Morita Haruki is a righteous surgeon who spends all his time saving patients in the hospital. Howeve...
Based on a Thai legend, it tells the unearthly love story between Mak and his wife Nak who died in c...
The intimate tale of two young people, Canadian singer and poet Leonard Cohen and extraordinary Norw...
Alessandro and Anna, just over the age of 18, meet by chance during an Interrail trip to Spain. It i...
Adeel who is a complete Casanova wants a simple and introvert wife. He finds Gul e Rana to be the ri...
When an estranged friend resurfaces after 12 years, a prosecutor starts connecting disjointed events...
Two American kids who live on a U.S. military base in Italy explore friendship, first love, identity...
Eighteen Springs (also known as Affair of Half a Lifetime) is a 2003 drama-romance TV series based o...
A seemingly fake marriage sets the stage for a journey of unexpected turns, propelling two souls tow...
A loving couple become rivals when Belle opens a fusion bistro next to her ex-boyfriend Kram’s tradi...
Amos, a 28-year-old baker, still lives with his parents and works in the family business. Noa is the...
Two people from different backgrounds, and different decades. This couple will prove that when two s...