The series revolves around Gabo, a soccer-loving teenager who, upon receiving a scholarship from the prestigious Sports Academic Institute (IAD) of Buenos Aires, will see his dream of playing at Los Halcones Dorados, the renowned amateur team of the school, and also his longing to become a professional footballer.
Scully was a British television drama with some comedy elements set in the city of Liverpool, Englan...
Jiro Kanzaki is an F3000 test driver blessed with acute sensitivity and breathtaking driving techniq...
Ball Four is a 1976 American situation comedy that aired on CBS in 1976. The series is inspired by t...
There is a year left until the World Cup. After another loss to the national team, the fans decide t...
15/Love was a Canadian-produced television series that revolves around the lives of aspiring young t...
Sportsfan is KeyTV's network's take on family sitcoms shot entirely on iPhones and directed by Keke ...
They Think It's All Over is a British comedy panel game with a sporting theme produced by Talkback a...
Summer 1996. While chasing after a bicycle thief, Yang Xi hurts her leg and therefore can’t particip...
A pink-haired girl named Stephanie moves to LazyTown with her uncle (the mayor of LazyTown), where s...
The offbeat cast and crew of a sports news show deal with professional, personal, and ethical challe...
The daily lives of four friends who enjoy extreme sports, surfing, and getting into some crazy situa...
This series connects the story of the second movie, "Chihayafuru Part II", with the third movie, "Ch...
Ryoma Echizen is a young tennis prodigy who has won 4 consecutive tennis championships but who const...
The Waverly Wonders is a short-lived TV sitcom, starring retired pro football star Joe Namath, that ...
Hang Time is an American teen sitcom about a fictional Indiana high school's boys' basketball team "...
Renford Rejects was a teen sitcom produced and broadcast by Nickelodeon UK between 1997 and 2001. Th...
A love story between a 24-year-old office worker who has neither love experience nor communication s...
11-year-old football fan Ish learns he must protect shards of a power source called "The Core", hidd...
Soccer AM is a British Saturday-morning football-based comedy/talk show, predominantly based around ...