Cachitos de hierro y cromo is a Spanish musical-themed documentary program, directed by Jero Rodríguez and hosted by Virginia Díaz. It is an unapologetic musical display of RTVE's sound legacy in the form of performances on the set of programs such as 'Aplauso', 'Galas del Sábado', 'Mapa Sonoro', 'Zona Franca' or 'Los Conciertos de Radio 3'. For nearly 60 years, artists and other specimens have stormed viewers' screens. The result is a polyphony of images and memories that includes everything from James Brown to Camela, from Perales to REM, from Gabinete to Violent Femmes. And so all the time. Our secret weapon has been the historical archive of TVE, the repository of Spanish collective memory for more than half a century.
No one compares to Ulf Lundell when it comes to productivity and versatility. For almost half a cent...
In collaboration with the Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation, the American Pops Orchestra present...
The Art of Punk, a series of documentaries from MOCAtv, the video channel of Los Angeles’ Museum of ...
In the vacuum created by the absence of live music, TV4 and Live Nation invite you to a unique music...
John Safran's Music Jamboree was a light-hearted Australian music documentary television series, hos...
A four-part mini series about the hugely popular artist and vlogger Famke Louise. The series follows...
Composer and musician Neil Brand presents a series on musical theatre evolution over the last centur...
The series sheds a completely different light on Ke$ha as she works through all the drama and advent...
Exclusive interviews and acoustic performances with the legends responsible for some of the most fam...
A guide to the evolutionary biology of sex. Science documentary with songs(!) based on the book “Dr ...
Inspired by the music and subjects featured in the series “Godfather of Harlem,” this documentary se...
In AP Dhillon - First of a Kind, the secretive global superstar and the small, close team behind his...