A four-part mini series about the hugely popular artist and vlogger Famke Louise. The series follows...
John Safran's Music Jamboree was a light-hearted Australian music documentary television series, hos...
Inspired by the music and subjects featured in the series “Godfather of Harlem,” this documentary se...
A beautiful and intimate look into the pivotal, life-changing songs, moments and experiences of bril...
In collaboration with the Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation, the American Pops Orchestra present...
One of rock music’s iconic and tour-hardened frontmen, Brian Johnson, gives us a brand new and exclu...
The Art of Punk, a series of documentaries from MOCAtv, the video channel of Los Angeles’ Museum of ...
No one compares to Ulf Lundell when it comes to productivity and versatility. For almost half a cent...
The series sheds a completely different light on Ke$ha as she works through all the drama and advent...
A musical adventure series emanating from The Caverns in Tennessee's majestic Cumberland Mountains. ...
Folk musicians from both sides of the Atlantic come together in what have been called “the greatest ...
Being... N-Dubz is a documentary series detailing the life and times of English hip-hop group N-Dubz...
In this new series, Foo Fighters commemorate their 20th anniversary by documenting the eight-city re...